Friday 11 April 2014

Does Skin Cancer Itch Skin Cancer Skin Cancer Pictures Moles Symptoms Sings On Face Spots On Nose Photos Types Pics Wallpapers Pics

Does Skin Cancer Itch Biography

Doctors often call itching by its Latin name pruritus. For some people it is just uncomfortable and irritating. For other people, itching can be unbearable and constant. Uncontrolled itching can cause restlessness, sleeplessness, feeling low and sometimes depression. Scratching can also cause skin soreness and infection.
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Causes of itching
The main causes of itching when someone has cancer are
    Dry skin
    The cancer itself
    Cancer treatments
Dry skin
Your skin may be dry for several reasons when you have cancer. It could be due to
    Your treatment
    Your age
    Hormone changes - if you have gone through the menopause your skin may be dry
    The time of year - in the winter your skin is more likely to be dry from cold air outdoors and central heating in buildings.
Jaundice is a build up of bile in the bloodstream and body tissues. The build up happens when there is a blockage somewhere in the bile system. Bile contains yellow pigments that make your skin and the whites of your eyes go yellow. It also makes you itch.
A number of things may cause jaundice, including
    Drugs that affect the liver or bile system, including some herbal remedies
    Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)
    Breakdown of red blood cells
    Liver disease, including cancer
    Other gall bladder disease, including cancer
    Cancer of the head of the pancreas - the tumour can block the bile duct
Itching can be a sign of an allergy. If you start to feel itchy after starting a new treatment, talk to your doctor or nurse. You may need to change treatments. An allergic reaction doesn’t always happen the first time you have a treatment. It can happen with the second or, more rarely, the third.
Some infections can make you itchy - for example, fungal infections. If you have low immunity, you are more likely to develop fungal infections, such as thrush. If you have an infection, you will need to have treatment for the type of infection you have. You may have antibiotics for bacterial infections, antiviral medicines for viral infections or antifungal medicines for fungal infections.
The cancer itself
Some cancers cause itching. We don’t fully understand why. Doctors think it may be due to substances released by the tumour or by the body reacting to the tumour.
Up to 3 out of 10 people with Hodgkin lymphoma (30%) have itching of the whole body. Non Hodgkin lymphomas and leukaemias can cause less severe itching. Itching may also be caused by other cancers including
    Stomach cancer
    Pancreatic cancer
    Lung cancer
    Bowel cancer
    Brain tumours
    Breast cancer
    Prostate cancer
    Carcinoid tumours
The itching tends to be all over the body but worse on the legs and chest. It usually goes when you have treatment for the cancer.
Cancer treatments
Some cancer treatments cause itching. This may be itching over the whole body (generalised itching) or just in one part of the body. You may also have a rash. Some treatments, such as hormone or biological therapies, can cause an itchy skin rash. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are allergic to the treatment. Researchers have found that for some types of treatment (for example erlotinib) itching can be a sign that your treatment is working.
To find out about whether itching is a side effect of your treatment, look in our individual cancer drugs section.
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Diagnosing the cause of your itch
For most people with cancer who have itchy skin, the cause may be obvious. If your doctors don’t know the cause, they will try to find out why you itch. It could be because you started taking a new drug or are using something new, such as bubble bath or washing powder. You may need to stop taking the new drug or stop using the new product to see if the itching stops.
You may need to have blood tests to check that your kidneys and liver are working normally. You may also have a test to check the number of different types of cells in your blood. Checking your levels of white blood cells called eosinophils can show whether an allergy is causing the itch.
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Treatment for itching
There are various treatments to help relieve itching. The treatments can either
    Treat the cause of the itching
    Soothe the itching
Treating the cause of itching
If you know what is causing your itching, the best treatment is one that gets rid of the cause. For example
    Itching from jaundice caused by a blocked bile duct can be helped by unblocking the bile duct
    Itching from substances released by tumours can be relieved with treatment to shrink the tumour
    Itching from infection will be helped by treating the infection (antibiotics, antiviral drugs or antifungal drugs)
Treatment to soothe itching
There are some treatments that can help to soothe and relieve itching. Your doctor may need to try a few until you find one that works.
Antihistamines block the action of histamine in the body. Our immune system produces histamine to protect us from illness. Sometimes the body produces too much histamine, causing itching, redness and swelling. Antihistamines can help to reduce itching, but they don’t work for everyone. Your doctor can prescribe antihistamines. There are many different types and they may give you some relief. They tend not to work so well for itching caused by lymphoma or due to jaundice caused by a blocked bile duct.
If you have jaundice, a drug called cholestyramine can reduce itching. This drug binds with bile salts in the body tissues to reduce itching.
Some types of anti depressant medicines can help to reduce itching. They act like an antihistamine and also help you relax. They can work well for itching due to nerve irritation, such as peripheral neuropathy. Anti depressants used for itching include amitriptyline, imipramine and paroxetine.
Steroids can help. They come either as creams you put on to your skin or as tablets. You can buy low dose steroid cream over the counter from the chemist. But your doctor needs to prescribe the higher dose creams and the tablets. You usually only have steroids for a short time because they can cause side effects if you take them for too long. You can find out more about steroids and their side effects in the individual cancer drug section.
Lotions, creams and ointments called emollients reduce itching by helping to 'oil' the skin to keep it supple and moist. Some bath and shower products contain emollients. You can bathe or wash your hair in them to soothe your whole body. Your doctor, nurse or pharmacist can tell you more about them.
Some people find that complementary therapies such as music therapy, gentle foot massage, relaxation exercises or guided visualisation help to distract them from the itching.
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Tips on coping with itching
    Limit the number of baths you take - use lukewarm water and very little or no soap, and don't spend too long in the water eg. no more than 20 minutes
    Instead of soap, you can use a moisturising liquid (emollient), such as aqueous cream, Oilatum or Diprobase, prescribed by your doctor or nurse
    Pat your skin dry with a towel rather than rubbing
    Drying the skin thoroughly reduces the chance of chaffing and fungal infection
    Moisturise your skin straight after you bathe - apply the moisturiser in the same direction as your hair grows
    Avoid scented or lanolin based lotions
    Use odourless and colourless moisturiser such as epaderm and hydromol, which you can get from the chemist and apply it 4 times a day
    Wear cotton and linen, rather than wool or man made materials which can irritate the skin
    Keep your bedclothes light
    Try to keep an even, cool temperature in your room, as getting hot can make itching worse
    Use an electric razor rather than wet shaving
    Drink plenty - preferably water (2 to 3 litres a day)
    Keep your nails short to reduce the risk of scratching your skin

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Does Skin Cancer Itch Skin Cancer Skin Cancer Pictures Moles Symptoms Sings On Face Spots On Nose Photos Types Pics Wallpapers Pics

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